Excerpt: "Longing for Nostalgia"
Longing for Nostalgia By Marilyn Anne Campbell At RISE A large rectangular wooden box sits center stage with two plain chairs, one on either side. Upstage a few cardboard boxes have been stacked - the kind you would use to pack childhood keepsakes in your parents' basement. They are variously labeled "Brian", "Tasha" and "Corey". Standing downstage, TASHA and BRIAN don't acknowledge the presence of each other or of COREY, who is seated on the box behind them. TASHA: ( to audience ) If someone was ever like, 'what was your defining moment', you know, or 'what shaped you for the rest of your life?', I've always known what my answer would be. BRIAN: ( to audience )My sister gets melodramatic. TASHA: ( to audience ) Or at least I used to know. Until now. BRIAN: ( to audience ) I can’t remember if she was that way as a child or if it was a case of, once she had the material she decided to run with it. Chicken or the eg...