
Showing posts from February, 2011

Youth Opportunities - Saturday February 26th, 2011

Saturday February 26, 2011 [UPDATE: It may be useful to browse these old listings as many programs are annual, but for more current contests and competitions, head to the Youth Opportunities page .] **Every Saturday I post about current youth opportunities that are open to submissions from Ontario residents, which naturally includes a lot of contests and competitions open to youth across Canada and the US. Please note I'm not attesting to the legitimacy or quality of anything listed here - read the fine print carefully and make your own judgement call, especially if a submission fee or creative rights are involved!** After a drought last week I'm back with a little flood of video contests, plus a short essay contest where doing good can earn you a trip to Africa! Happy Saturday everyone! smartgirl Contest • Open to legal residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, 16 years old and up • Deadline April 30th, 2011 Part of the Because I am a Girl campaign, the smartgir...

Youth Opportunities - Saturday February 19th, 2011

Saturday February 19th, 2011 [UPDATE: It may be useful to browse these old listings as many programs are annual, but for more current contests and competitions, head to the Youth Opportunities page .] I actually don't have any new youth opportunities to post this week, but below is the summary of previously mentioned opportunities with deadlines. Best of luck to anyone getting involved with something from the following list. Feel free to use the comment section to talk about your entry or experiences. Happy Family Day weekend! Previously Highlighted Youth Opportunities National Shakespeare Youth Festival (Registration open) FEBRUARY DEADLINES Hot Docs Festival Doc It! Showcase (02/25/11) MARCH DEADLINES Food Secure Canada - Good Food Hero Comic Contest (03/01/11) Everyday Heroes Festival - Video (03/01/11) Santa Monica Teen Film Festival Submissions (03/04/11) Sprockets Film Festival Jump Cuts Film Submissions (03/07/11) Delisle Youth Gallery - Call ...

Youth Opportunities - Saturday February 12th, 2011

Saturday February 12th, 2011 [UPDATE: It may be useful to browse these old listings as many programs are annual, but for more current contests and competitions, head to the Youth Opportunities page .] Every Saturday I post about current youth opportunities that are open to submissions from Ontario residents, which naturally includes a lot of contests and competitions open to youth across Canada and the US. Please note I'm not attesting to the legitimacy or quality of anything listed here - read the fine print carefully and make your own judgement call, especially if a submission fee is involved! This week I've just got a couple of contests open to young filmmakers. Happy Saturday all! 2011 What’s Your Story video contest • Residents of Canada (excluding Quebec), the UK and the US, 13 years of age and older • April 5th, 2011 The Trend Micro "What's Your Story?" video contest is looking for short videos dealing with • Being A Good Online Citizen ...

Youth Opportunities - Sunday February 6th, 2011

Sunday February 6th, 2011 [UPDATE: It may be useful to browse these old listings as many programs are annual, but for more current contests and competitions, head to the Youth Opportunities page .] Apologies all - this Saturday's round-up of opportunities for Ontario youth has turned into a Sunday night round-up. Where does the weekend go? (Seriously, if you have any idea where yesterday and the first half of today got off to, let me know. I'd like to have a word with them.) Hot Docs Festival - Doc It! Showcase • Documentary filmmakers aged 14-18 • February 25th, 2011 The Hot Docs Festival Doc It! Showcase is made of up short documentary films created by youth aged 14 to 18. Up to 12 films will be selected for screening during the Hot Docs Festival running from April 28th to May 8th in Toronto. Films must be ten minutes or less in length, have been produced between September 2009 and February 2011, and must (of course) be a documentary. There's no fee to su...