
Showing posts from August, 2016

Failing Hands

by Marilyn Anne Campbell Stage play: Theatre for Young Audiences; two-act, 3W/1M Two young nursing home volunteers – one who is truly dedicated and one who is only doing mandatory volunteer hours to graduate high school – discover that one of the home's dementia patients served as a Nursing Sister during World War II. As the teens get to know more about the veteran's experiences at war and her current challenges with memory loss, one of them becomes dangerously obsessed with the past while the other begins to reconsider the future. See all blog posts tagged "Failing Hands" Public Presentation As one of the winners in  Storybook Theatre's National TYA Playwriting Competition , Failing Hands  will receive one week of workshopping with Storybook Theatre in Calgary, AB then be presented in a public reading on Friday September 9th at 7pm at the Beddington Heights Community Arts Centre (375 Bermuda Drive NW). The link is now live for you to book your free ...

Results of the Storybook Theatre National TYA Playwriting Competition

Sunday August 7th, 2016 I really thought my return to the blog was going to be to share the amazing time I had visiting with the talented and welcoming people of Storybook Land Theatre in Aberdeen, South Dakota and seeing their production of The Knight's Errand . And I WILL still post about that, because it really was fantastic. But I have to interrupt my own very loose editorial calendar with some exciting news... My long-in-development play Failing Hands was selected as one of three winners in Calgary-based StoryBook Theatre 's first ever National TYA Playwriting Competition! I'll be flown out to Calgary at some point over the Labour Day weekend to spend a week with SBT staff and artists and the other two winners, Jeremy Mason and Kiel Fredrickson, as the three scripts are developed for public readings on September 9th and 10th. The first draft of Failing Hands  was supported by the Toronto Arts Council and the script has been through two different writers ...