
Showing posts from 2015

Wait, What's a Tumblr?

Sunday August 16, 2015 I stumbled into a Tumblr account last week. It started because I learned that a friend had a Tumblr and I wanted to be able to follow her posts easily, so I created what I thought would be a reading-only account. That lasted all of a day, right until I realized how easy it was to hit the "Reblog" button. Although I've been terribly lax of late when it comes to writing on this blog, I still intend this space to be my primary spot for proper posts. But for the easy sharing of photos and articles and other things I find interesting, I'll try adding Tumblr to my Twitter and Facebook Page repertoire for awhile. I have no idea how much I'll like it or how long it will last (and really no idea how Tumblr works yet, frankly) but if you'd like to follow and see what happens I'll be at Are you on Tumblr? Share your link in the comments! (And please tell me any tips you have on the etiquet...

Universal Language

by Marilyn Anne Campbell Stage play: Sci-fi comedy, one-act, 2W/2M/1 either When low-level staff at an interstellar supply station find themselves on the frontlines of alien contact, workplace dissatisfaction could lead to an inter-species incident.  First Production: Universal Language  premiered in August 2015 at Otherworld Theatre's first  Paragon: A Sci-Fi and Fantasy Play Festival in Chicago Illinois. Taking place at the The Public House Theatre, Paragon presented 40 short plays in 2 days. (Performance date: August 23rd) Directed by Lauren Fields Literary Manager / Festival Programmer: Elliott Sowards Featuring: Chloe Baldwin as Zapanta D. Matthew Beyer as Montis William Delforge as Stanton Maureen Mizener as the Regional Manager Claire Allegra Taylor as the Assistant / Alien Read a review of the festival by Janna Lyhus who highlighted Universal Language as "fantastic" and a "masterwork."   A Little History Universal Lan...

FringeKids! 2015: Thumped!

Sunday July 5, 2015 Thumped!  doesn't appear in the printed Toronto Fringe Festival guide because it was a late addition to the FringeKids! lineup, brought in at the last minute to replace an out-of-town show. Production company Ten Toes wasn't even on the Waiting List after the lottery draw in November, which suggests that the Fringe organizers ran through quite a few companies before finding someone so ready-to-go on short notice. It's a nice thing that Thumped! was added to the lineup, because with a simple story and a focus on movement, it's a good show for the very youngest Fringe-goers and can serve as a suitable first-time theatre experience. Thumped! follows rabbit friends Chase and Hide (Emma Letki and Kelly Morden, though I confess to not remembering which one was which)  as they set out to follow a map to a secret carrot patch. This is essentially a dance show for kids, with large stretches of stage time dedicated to the bunnies moving through their ...

The Knight's Errand

by Marilyn Anne Campbell Stage play: Theatre for Young Audiences, one act, 4 performers King Arthur, Lancelot, and Percival recount the story of Ferldamed, a lesser-known knight of The Round Table who must overcome his fear of the dark and his general lack of knightly skills both to run a simple errand and to save his friends from a fearsome foe. A rhyming play. Read an excerpt from  The Knight's Errand Premiere: Poster  ©  Child's Play Theatre The Knight's Errand  premiered as an outdoor production in July 2015. Nova Scotia's  Child's Play Theatre  performed the show busker-style on the Halifax Waterfront. (Performance dates: July 4, 5, 11, 12) Directed by Carolyn Thomas Produced by Zara Tufts Featuring: Carey Bray as Ferldameld Dana Thompson as King Arthur Jessica Oliver as Percival Luciana Silvestre Fernandes as Lancelot Other Productions: A revised version was presented at   Storybook Land Theatre  in Aber...

Gearing up for TIFF Kids 2015

Monday April 06, 2015 It is time. I love spring for the returning birds and the awakening trees and the influx of kid's movies at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. Tomorrow I'll be diving into the TIFF Kids Film Festival with glee, starting with a full day of movies on Tuesday and industry programming from Wednesday to Friday. I'll try to pop in here to give you the scoop as much as I can, but really - if you're in Toronto and have kids (or work in kid's media) you really should make the migration to King Street for yourself: Check out the two-week slate of films and family activities at Connect Online: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Wattpad | Goodreads | Google+

Marks of Birth

by Marilyn Anne Campbell Stage play: One-act, 2W With less than an hour until a gaggle of teenagers arrive for a backyard barbecue, mother Lorraine and daughter Sasha have very different ideas about what makes for a great eighteenth birthday party. Sasha’s almost willing to compromise, until Lorraine reveals her plan to dig up the past.... Read an excerpt of Marks of Birth (PDF) Full script available to NPX subscribers Production Information: Marks of Birth  premiered in March 2015 as part of The Players' Guild of Hamilton's new First Stage Series, a juried festival of new works held at the Players' Guild Theatre in Hamilton, Ontario. (Performance dates: March 5, 6, 7) Directed by Byron McKim Festival Artistic Producer: Stephen Near Featuring: Martha Christianson as Lorraine Annalee Fleet as Sasha A Little History Marks of Birth  was completed for Pat the Dog Playwright Centre 's  6th Annual 24-Hour Playwriting Contest in 2014, which gave pa...

Video: The Shrove Tuesday Speech

Monday February 16, 2015 Enjoy your breakfast. It made the ultimate sacrifice for your syrupy pleasure. This was created after I heard that the 2014 International Pancake Film Festival was looking for puppetry and animation films featuring pancakes. It was accepted and screened at The Brattle Theatre in Cambridge MA and the FLAT Gallery in Chicago IL. And now YouTube. Related posts: "The Shrove Tuesday Speech" at the International Pancake Film Festival A Package from IPFF HQ The Other Holiday Videos This is the fourth in what seems to be turning into a series of hastily-made, holiday-themed videos to come out of our house. Previously there was: A Geek's Thanksgiving A Little Citrus This Christmas Peggy's Easter Song Connect Online: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Wattpad | Goodreads | Google+