TIFF Kids 2017 Feature: "TRIO - The Hunt for the Holy Shrine"
TRIO - The Hunt for the Holy Shrine is a high-quality adventure film that owes a lot to Indiana Jones. Recommended by TIFF programmers for ages 10-13, this subtitled Norwegian film follows four friends (I assume they started out as a trio in the Norwegian TV show of the same name, and the team gradually expanded) as they race to solve the mystery of Saint Olav's lost shrine before an internationally-known art thief and her henchmen get there first.
Like most movies of this type, enjoying The Hunt for the Holy Shrine starts with a healthy suspension of disbelief. The biggest for me was that the tablet owned by Lars the techie is able to do absolutely anything he wants it to do (where do I get the helicopter flying app?). But it's all in good action/adventure fun, and it's worth forgoing realism for the sake of a good teen treasure hunt.
The production values in this are high, making great use of a variety of locations. From sweeping shots of picturesque fishing villages to an elaborate puzzle-solving sequence inside the Nidaros Cathedral, it's a visually engaging film. The young performers are all strong and they're given just enough personal drama to add a coming-of-age element without bogging down the story.
Even though the movie is based on previously established characters, the filmmakers are quick in getting the audience up to speed. TRIO - The Hunt for the Holy Shrine is a fun choice for older kids who are fine with subtitles but not looking for anything too heavy. Then at home you can watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and discuss who did booby-trapped holy object hunts better.
TRIO screens at the TIFF Bell Lightbox on:
- Sunday April 9, 2017 at 3:45 pm
- Saturday April 15, 2017 at 3:30 pm
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