Why Our Chairs Wear Socks
These two floofs right here. They are the reason the chairs in our house wear socks.

This is all part of the steps we've taken to wobbly-cat-proof our home. Littermates Charlotte and Rubin both have the neurological condition cerebellar hypoplasia, sometimes also called wobbly cat syndrome. The part of their brain which controls movement and balance didn't fully develop in the womb, so they are two happy, healthy cats who happen to fall into things a lot.
Over the years we've had them, I feel we've really upped our baby-proofing game, and have found all sorts of ways to pad all sorts of awkward corners. When I was taking the below photo of the two newly-padded pieces of furniture together, I didn't even notice that I was getting the worn-out-pajama-pants-wrapped desk leg and the pipe-insulation-wrapped folding table legs in the background. It's just such a normal, un-noteworthy part of our lives now.
(I mean, un-noteworthy until I'm sitting in the middle of our living room securing fuzzy blue socks on a floral ottoman and Steve says, "You really should take a picture.")
Happy International Cat Day, everyone.
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